Sunday, February 17, 2013


Assalamualaikum, Peace be Upon You, oh reader.

17 likes and 6 Yes, plus one jokingly (I hope) said No. That's what my Facebook friends responded to when I asked "Should I start writing a blog?"

So here I am.

I think even if no one responded, by asking that question, half my heart was determined to start writing one anyway. I just wanted to see how people would respond (surveying the market? my future audience perhaps), but then again, I wouldn't have asked if I wasn't interested about actually doing it.

Which brings me to something I've been thinking a lot about: Conversation.

Why do people have conversations? Why do people initiate contact with others? Start asking questions? 

It may seem like an odd question. Of course we have conversations, we're people, we're social creatures, if we don't talk, we go crazy. Especially womenfolk, who have that ridiculous quota of 20,000 words a day or something, so short of talking to yourself or inanimate objects, you'd have to talk to someone else, hence having a conversation.

But it isn't as simple as that. To put it more clearly, why do we have conversations with certain people instead of others? That's an even more ridiculous question, you say. Obviously because we're closer to that person (either geographically, or emotionally), or because we like that person better, or because we have common interests with that person, and the list goes on. 

But after much thought, I think we can summarise all these reasons into one word: INTEREST.

If you are not interested in a person, if you have no interest in what they have to say, or no curiosity about them, you wouldn't bother asking. Well, except in situations where you're forced to talk to someone, like in a introductory session where they forcibly pair you with a stranger, or when you're practising taking a history from your friend (medics reference, sorry), or out of politeness in a bus with the over-friendly elderly person sitting next to you. 

Which is why people (especially girls) get angry when you don't listen to them when they're having a conversation with you; it shows a lack of interest.

And no one wants to be uninteresting.

It's also a good way of knowing whether a person is interested in you, if they initiate a conversation with you, then it's a pretty good sign. (And when they never do initiate a conversation, feel free to fall into the depths of despair, like I once did :P)

So, really, one of the easiest methods to make people happy is by showing interest in them, by starting a conversation. You'll never know what you'll find out in return, or what great company you may discover. 

And if someone starts a conversation with you, appreciate it and respond well, because it means they find you interesting, and they want to know you better. 

Annnndddd, (this is my major point really) if someone always initiates the conversation first, please do try to start the conversation next time. It's unfair (and slight pathetic) to always be the one starting the conversation with someone who never takes the initiative. It makes them feel kinda sad and desperate, because their interest is never returned, and makes them feel ignored. 

So please try taking the first step in your next conversation, be it with a stranger or with a friend whom you never did start one with. It may mean the world to them.

To end my first blog entry, I shall share a song about the stuff that make up conversations: Words by The Bee Gees. Thank you for reading!

“Ah, good conversation - there's nothing like it, is there? The air of ideas is the only air worth breathing.” 
― Edith WhartonThe Age of Innocence


  1. keep it up bess! i'd love to read what interesting thoughts you have, selalu je baca dekat facebook but in blogs, you could say more kan? :)
    and yes, keep inspiring peepul! xx

    1. thanks kak bedah!! yg baik dr Allah inshaAllah :D
